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Sustainability (SD) is part of Amour Tonic's very DNA.

Our vision is to support Mother Earth and people in a single gesture: to offer the treasures of Nature to support health and vitality in a simple, easy, practical and sustainable format.

Choices, actions and planning ahead are all influence by various parameters associated with the protection of the environment and communities affected directly or indirectly by our operations. Each element is assessed to minimize negative impacts and optimize positive outcomes.

In the case of packaging, which is a concern for the protection of the environment, we have taken several steps, training and workshops.

Several elements must be considered:

    •  the nature of our products: powders
    • treatments and manipulations necessary to arrive at the finished product: cultivation, picking, extraction, dehydration, powdering, preparation.
    • where the ingredients come from: all over the planet

Accordingly, our criteria for the choice of packaging are

  1. Optimize conservation: humidity, light
  2. Reduce the impact of transport: volume, weight, necessary protection (not brittle)
  3. Easy to use: prevent the product from being left in a cabinet!
  4. Possibility of reuse: this is the second of the 3R Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.